Morning Storm Clouds

Morning Storm Clouds, Oil, 9x12", a vailable This is a plein air that I did yesterday morning. The sky was pretty stormy and I wasn't sure if I would catch any heavy rain or wind. Luckily, I did not encounter much, to speak of. As you can see in the photo below of my set up, it was clearing up nicely by the time I was wrapping up my gear. I like using my Guerrilla Painter® 9x12 Pochade Box out in the field even though it's a bit heavy. Actually, that bit of weight keeps it pretty stable when the wind kicks up a bit. I use my Best Brella religiously to keep the sun off of me and my artwork. It gets hot out in the sun and if you ever painted with the bright sun on your surface, you know your painting will look too dark inside. Best decision I made was to get my jeep. She gets me places even our truck can't get to.