Broken Egg II

Broken Egg II , Oil, 5x7", SOLD I don't know why I decided to use a different technique to paint this egg. I tend to be an intuitive artist, allowing my unconscious to direct me. I was very happy with yesterday's direct approach and I am equally happy with today's result using layers. Following are photos I took of my process: Stage One: I toned the panel with a combination of cadmium red light and yellow ochre. I added a small amount of indian red to draw with and to add shadows. I lifted color using my brush and mineral spirits for the lights. Stage Two: Here I added darks with ultramarine blue, manganese violet and Van dyke brown Stage Three: I begin the mid-tones of the background scumbling with ultramarine blue, manganese violet, prussian blue, white, naples yellow and alizarin crimson. Stage Four: I add cadmium red light, cadmium yellow light and zinc yellow primarily in the yolk of the egg. I combined these co...