
Showing posts with the label Portrait

Open Figure Session, July 27, 2011

Shadow Play,  Charcoal, 12x12" I love this poise at today's Open Figure Studio. I have been working on oil and acrylic paintings for the last few weeks, in my own studio, so its a nice departure to work with charcoal. Pat is a great model that holds very still and is a wonderful photographer in her own right.

Open Figure Session, July 20, 2011

The Heart Shape Pendant , Carbon Pencil, 14x11 It might of been sweltering hot outside, but we were as cool as cucumbers at our Open Figure Studio. Linda, our model, brought in fresh picked blueberries and we drew and painted to soft music. It's so nice to spend an afternoon with fellow artists doing our thing.

Little Ben Saved the Day!

Ben , Charcoal, 14x11"  This is Ben. He is 11 years old and one of the best models that I have had the privilege of working with. I taught a two day Figure and Portrait Workshop last week and the scheduled model neither called or showed. Ben happened to be in with his mother who is on staff with the Community Arts of Tecumseh. I asked her permission to use Ben after I asked Ben if he was interested. He gave me a resounding, "yes", and he was our only model from 9 AM until 3 PM. What a trooper! Everyone loved him and I think you can truly see his wonderful personality in this charcoal sketch that I drew of him.

A Good Day

Into the Woods , Pastel, 19x14" SOLD This is a scene from my office window of the path that my husband mows for easy access into the woods. It tickles me to watch turkeys strut down this path or the deer promenade from out of the woods. I painted this primarily plein air and did some touch up from photo reference in my studio. Fall Splendor , Acrylic, 10x8" SOLD "All good things come to those that wait". Had this little piece in our local Manchester gallery, The Wild Acorn, for what seemed forever. I got the call today while in my Open Figure Studio in Tecumseh, that my piece had sold. This scene is from one of my husband and mine's many forays into northern Michigan. Linda , Oil, 12x9" SOLD Linda was our model today at Open Figure Studio. She is fantastic and doesn't move a bit. At break time she  once again becomes her usual bubbly personality! Linda is a wonderful artist in her own right and I am proud to say that she has been one of

Letting Go

Letting Go , pastel 9 x 9" SOLD The All about Me Challenge was posted by Carol Marine on Saturday Apr 30, 2011. The details are:  This challenge is just for fun - simply paint a self portrait. Nothing to learn here, except perhaps that a self portrait is frickin' hard! So, make it normal, make it silly, but let us see the real you!  I was captivated by the "let us see the real you". The real me has little to do with how I look and everything to do with who I am. I love blue skies, the warmth of the sun on my face and having a connection with nature. I am in awe of God's creation and I am thankful to be alive. OK, I am well aware of the cliché, pushing up daisies. Soon after the photo was taken that I used for reference of myself, I was diagnosed with cancer. It was one of the scariest passages of my life and one of the most profound. After surgery, I was given a good prognosis and I am just shy of my five year anniversary. A day doesn't go by that I

Open Figure Session, April 6, 2011

Brian , Oil, 14 x 11" This was the second time that Brian modeled for us. He is a student from a nearby college. A handsome young man and an enjoyable model to paint!

Open Figure Session, March 30, 2011

Dominique , Oil, 14 x 11", available Wednesday was our portrait session in Tecumseh, and Dominique was our wonderful model. I spent about two hours minus breaks on this study. Dominique was a very energetic girl and this was her first time modeling. The arm resting on her head was her idea and although a difficult pose for her and for us, everyone did a fantastic job! I took some good photos and perhaps will develop this into a more finished piece.

Portrait of Anne

Anne, Pastel, 16 x 12" SOLD This is a portrait, commissioned by Anne's grandmother, a lovely lady who lives many miles away from her beloved granddaughter. All she had were a couple of snapshots and small school photos. I told her I would do my best. Here is the primary reference that I used: My requirements given to me for the commission were to use pastel, make the face three quarters and the hair long. I used a sheet of steel gray Canson Mi-Teintes pastel paper. I used the dimpled side of the paper to give the piece some interesting texture. This girl's personality looked so vivacious that I used strong bright colors in the hope to capture it. Grandmother loved it and will be shipping it after framing!

Lincoln Challenge Part Deux

President Lincoln, Oil, 12 x 9" SOLD Here is my painted version.  Value study of President Abraham Lincoln. A president of true values.

New DPW Lincoln Challenge

Honest Abe , print on heavy paper, 10x8" available This week's Daily Paintworks Challenge is to:  D. THE "LET'S IGNORE RAYMOND" CHALLENGE, or if you prefer, OTHER: You do have the option of ignoring me; produce a portrait of Mr. Lincoln in any 2D manner you wish. Don't worry about hurting my feelings, it'll be nothing a good brownie won't cure. (Psst! I am very partial to woodcuts.) I elected to get acquainted with the President's face through drawing a few sketches. I purposely chose to do a caricature in order to really get a feel for those features that best personify the man. I am happy with the results. I eagerly look forward to doing another  Lincoln Challenge  this week: A. THE BLACK AND WHITE CHALLENGE:  Paint the portrait in black and white; try to maintain neutral grays with a limited palette of these three pigments: Ultramarine Blue / Burnt Umber / Titanium White.